ECE 3400 Fall 2017

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Location: Upson 357

Date/Time: Oct 1, 2017, 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Leader: Shanee

Attendance: Daniel, Erika, Aasta, Ben, Dave, Daniel

Scribe: Shanee

I. Logistics

a. Go over Lab 3 rubric requirements

i. Graphics Team needs to finish remaining task of toggling inputs

ii. Acoustics Team needs to finish connecting speaker to 8-bit DAC

VI. Action Items

a. Graphics: Daniel, David, Shanee

i. Reading external inputs to FPGA
ii. Correctly updating a 4-bit array dependent on inputs
iii. Drawing one box on the screen

b. Acoustics: Aasta, Ben, Erika

i. Connecting FPGA output to speaker

ii. Outputting a square wave to speaker using 8-bit DAC

c. Document as you go, even if brief, so others can know where to pick up on