ECE 3400 Fall 2017

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Location: Phillips

Date/Time: Oct 30, 2017, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Leader: Aasta

Attendance: Erika, Ben, David, Daniel, Shanee

Scribe: Shannee

I. Logistics

a. Lab 4 Graphics: Erika, Aasta, Ben

i. Need to finish asap

b. Parts to buy

c. PCB updates - Dan

d. Milestone 3 Shortest path – David/Dan

e. Absences

 i. Aasta: Nov. 10-11 (will leave lab at 3:45 PM)
 ii. Erika: Dec. 1-3

VI. Action Items

a.Dan: get mux on board, order some parts

b. Ben: Help dan + david, lab 4

c. Erika: Lab 4

d. Shannee: Simulation, filtering tone

e. Aasta: Simulation, Lab4

f. Erika: Lab 4

g. Milestone 3 – next week

h. Nov. 11 - team eval