ECE 3400 Fall 2017

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Location: Upson 465

Date/Time: Nov 12, 2017, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Leader: David

Attendance: Erika, Ben, Aasta Shanee

Scribe: David

I. Logistics

a. do we need parts?

b. Tasks left:

i. Interrupts/threading

ii. reachable nodes issue

c. Ethics assignment

i. Brainstorm ideas:

	1. Aasta: crispr/dna replication, stem cells; gen-modded mosquitoes
	2. Shannee: Wolf of Wall Street
	3. Ben: Autonomous Car; trolley question
	4. David: Super AI
ii. due in 2 weeks

VI. Action Items

a. Aasta + Ben = matlab stuff

b. Shannee + Dan = robot respond to walls

c. David + Erika = milestone 4 VGA/FPGA