ECE 3400 Fall 2017

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Location: Kimball Hall B11

Date/Time: Sep 15, 2017, 11:15 am – 12:05 pm

Leader: Daniel

Attendance: Erika, Aasta, Ben, Dave, Daniel

Scribe: Daniel

I. Pre-Meeting Tasks

a. Fill out the Gantt Chart with your prelim dates. Aasta, Erika, Shanee, and Daniel have done this.

II. Lab 2

a. Prelab

i. Questions answered by Shanee

ii. Everyone should understand the lab procedure before walking into lab

b. Split into two teams:

i. Optics: Aasta, Erika, Ben

ii. Acoustic: David, Shanee, Daniel

III. Work Towards Milestone 1

a. Enhance sensors and software to get max credit for “robustness”

b. Write Software

IV. Training

a. PCB Training

b. CAD Training Sunday afternoon

V. Action Items

a. Determine who will CAD what parts for new design

i. Gear Box

ii. IR sensor mounts

iii. Line sensor mounts

iv. Motor and wheel mounts

v. Chassis

b. Determine tasks for each of us this week

c. Erika is new team lead as of tomorrow

d. End of today’s Lab:

i. Determine if there are parts we should purchase

  . Order from Amazon to get free shipping.

  .. We can order stuff to test it and return it if not happy.

ii. Determine how to take advantage of no rules

  . What other ways can we enhance algorithm using sensors above the walls?