ECE 3400 Fall 2017

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Location: Upson 457

Date/Time: Sep 17, 2017, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Leader: Erika

Attendance: Shanee, Erika, Aasta, Ben, David, Daniel

Scribe: Aasta

I. Lab 2

a. Each team summarized progress made after lab session on Saturday (9/16) and tasks to still be completed i. On Saturday, there was a bunch of dirty data where the bins were random and changing for Acoustics ii. Optics tested with multiple resistors to optimize distance and gain b. Optics: Aasta, Erika, Ben – done with lab 2, and filters work! c. Acoustic: David, Shanee, Daniel – almost done, testing other filter designs!

II. Work Towards Milestone 1

a. Enhance sensors and software to get max credit for “robustness” b. Write Software c. Additional design ideas and parts needed d. Talked about localization + optimization i. Lots of brainstorming + presenting ideas

III. Skills Training

a. PCB Training for David, Erika, Ben – schedule with Daniel b. CAD training today: i. Zach came in and gave an overview for Fusion 360 and how to use it ii. Talked about how to use the A360 drive

Action Items

a. Go to lab on Monday (9/18) from 5-6:30 pm for Acoustic Team b. Lab reports due 9/22 i. Optics: Erika, Aasta, Ben ii. Acoustic: Dan, David, Shanee c. Milestone 1 due 9/22 i. Everyone d. All write ups due midday Thursday so we can critique! e. David ask about motors